Prep time
30 Mins
cook time
15 Mins
In a small bowl, combine the rice vinegar, maple syrup, and a pinch of sea salt.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil and cook soba noodles according to the directions on the package, until just tender. Add snap peas at the last minute to blanch. Rinse under the running water until cold. Drain well. Separate snap peas and set aside.
In a medium bowl, toss the soba noodles and vinegar mixture. Set aside.
To make chickpea “egg”: in another medium bowl, use the back of the fork to mash chickpeas until chunky. Stir in soy sauce, maple syrup, arrowroot powder, a pinch of sea salt, and turmeric.
In a medium skillet, heat olive oil over medium-high heat and add chickpea mixture. Stir to cook until the mixture becomes sticky (~2 to 4 mins). Remove from the heat and let cool. Divide the mixture in half and shape into sticks with a length of a nori sheet.
To assemble: on a bamboo sushi mat, place a nori sheet with a shiny side down. Place noodles evenly onto the nori sheet, leaving a 1-inch band naked at the top, arranging all noodles aligned horizontally. Arrange a chickpea stick, 6 snap peas, and shredded beets in a horizontal line on soba noodles. Carefully lift the bottom of the sushi mat and roll up tightly. Repeat with remaining ingredients. Set sushi rolls aside for 5 mins to set.
Wet a sharp knife and cut each sushi roll into 8 pieces. Transfer them on a serving plate and scatter scallion and sesame seeds on top. Serve with soy sauce (if using).